Duluth Central High School Class of 1961
Konnie Haldorsen (Ellis+)
Work: Artist
Spouse: Robert
2 children
1 grandchild
Information update: 06/27/2022

What have I been doing for the last 50 years?

Well, that's nearly overwhelming to consider. How about just a day, like today, for instance. It's early evening here in Colorado as I write and the crickets have started up. There are just a few clouds over the mountains so we should be able to see the full moon in a few hours. My son Lane saw the the full moon reflected in Lake Superior last night while sitting out on the porch with his cat, Marley. Probably there were some fireflies in his yard as well. I've never seen a firefly here in Colorado. My other son is in Tacoma and it'll still be light out there. Maybe they just finished dinner and my granddaughter is practicing her violin with the late afternoon sun shining in on her hair and her tiny Suzuki violin.

Here in the reading room is a stack of books I need to return to the library before I leave for my visit to Duluth. Next to the books is a small red hat I knit for my mother's gnomes that she'll bring to the Scandinavian show next month. The hat really didn't turn out very well. I'll have to do better on the next one. Bob is playing the piano downstairs and now it's dark outside. Time to make a cup of tea and sit out on the porch and watch the moon rise.

May the full moon shine down on all of us and cast its glow of memories over the clock tower of majestic Central High, which I look forward to seeing in a few days.

Konnie (Haldorsen) Ellis

PS. My novel, The Ice Dancer, is now available through amazon.com or www.konnieellis.com, or in Duluth, through Northern Lights Bookstore at 218-722-5267.
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